The average house price on EAST GRANGE RISE is £118,483
The most expensive house in the street is 3 EAST GRANGE RISE with an estimated value of £159,737
The cheapest house in the street is 59 EAST GRANGE RISE with an estimated value of £94,837
The house which was most recently sold was 67 EAST GRANGE RISE, this sold on 4 Sep 2023 for £125,000
The postcodes for EAST GRANGE RISE are LS10 3EE, LS10 3ED
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 EAST GRANGE RISE Terraced £149,372 £74,995 18 Jun 2004
3 EAST GRANGE RISE Terraced , 101 m2 £159,737 £130,000 17 Jan 2020
5 EAST GRANGE RISE Terraced , 85 m2 £125,126 £93,000 3 Jun 2016
40 EAST GRANGE RISE Semi-Detached £103,010 £41,730 27 Feb 2003
53 EAST GRANGE RISE Terraced , 69 m2 £102,158 £82,000 26 Apr 2019
54 EAST GRANGE RISE Terraced £98,743 £42,950 26 Sep 2003
59 EAST GRANGE RISE Terraced , 61 m2 £94,837 £64,500 22 May 2015
61 EAST GRANGE RISE Semi-Detached , 60 m2 £133,131 £85,000 11 Oct 2007
63 EAST GRANGE RISE Terraced , 62 m2 £100,236 £67,500 23 Mar 2015
67 EAST GRANGE RISE Semi-Detached £125,000 4 Sep 2023